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IBM Cloud IAM/vCD integration

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to enable IBM Cloud IAM single sign on authorization for a VMware virtual Cloud Director organization then check out my VMware vCD and IBM Cloud IAM SSO integration CLI. This command line tool (iamvcd) performs the rudimentary functions associated with integrating IBM Cloud IAM SSO and a vCD organization.

However, The iamvcd CLI alone only serves as a reference implementation for some of the steps involved in ensuring a consistent integration of IAM and a vCD organization. This CLI leverages both IAM and vCD APIs to handle this functionality. Depending on the vCD version some of this functionality can be performed directly through the vCD organization’s Administration console.

A deeper dive…

This “deeper dive” contains a detailed narrative for the integration of IBM Cloud IAM with a vCD organization. Details behind iamvcd functionality are provided along with the individual steps taken by the tool to achieve an integration of IBM Cloud IAM with a vCD organization. The iamvcd CLI and this “deeper dive” were developed and tested using the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared offering. It is assumed that you already possess an IBM Cloud IAM client ID and secret for your vCD organization. Acquisition of a client ID and secret is not covered here.

Integration of IBM Cloud IAM with a vCD organization consists of two main parts. Those parts can be further broken down into several sub-components. See below:

IAM OAuth enablement

The enablement of IAM OAuth for a vCD organization is achieved by updating a vCD organization’s OAuth settings with the current set of IAM identity OAuth public keys, OpenID Connect client ID and secret, and other configuration content. Once enabled, these settings must be periodically refreshed to ensure enablement is not interrupted due to the periodic rotation of the IAM identity OAuth public keys. The IAM identity OAuth public key refresh period is once every 30 days in the IBM Cloud production environment.

IAM OAuth keys

IAM identity OAuth public keys can be obtained by issuing an HTTP GET request to the IAM identity/keys endpoint. The root URL depends on the desired environment. is the expected IAM production environment URL. This is, however, configurable in the reference implementation by setting the IAM_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly.

The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. No special credentials or headers are required for this GET request beyond those automatically set by the Python requests call.

This code is fairly straight forward in that the get_iam_oauth_keys function performs the GET request and returns the list of Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) public keys in JSON Web Key (JWK) format.

import os
import requests
IAM_IDENTITY = f'{os.getenv("IAM_ROOT")}/identity'
def get_iam_oauth_keys():
    resp = requests.get(f'{IAM_IDENTITY}/keys')
    return resp.json()['keys']

The following is a screenshot of the same GET request using postman.

Get IAM OAuth Keys

The JSON response provides a list of the current set of IAM identity OAuth public keys. See example below:

    "keys": [
            "kty": "RSA",
            "n": "ucBTdkNFa...BdSTw",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "kid": "202109271512"
            "kty": "RSA",
            "n": "skqHMrUlY...9AsTw",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "kid": "202109241512"
            "kty": "RSA",
            "n": "9Ygbf9Zdp...28Uqw",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "kid": "20190723"

Fields of note (within each key dictionary):

As mentioned above, the keys provided by this GET request must be converted to PEM format in order to be usable as part of the enablement payload.

The following is a code snippet from the reference implementation code that performs the conversion of an RSA key in JWK format to an RSA key in PEM format.

The jwk_to_pem function uses the PyCryptodome library along with the Python base64 package to convert an RSA JWK key into an RSA PEM key. The arguments passed in to jwk_to_pem can be anywhere from 2 to 6 separate arguments. See the RSA PyCryptodome documentation for additional details. For our purposes, since we’re only dealing with public keys, we will only pass the RSA modulus (n) and the Public exponent (e). This is demonstrated later as part of the enablement logic.

from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

def jwk_to_pem(*components):
    rsa_components = (bytes_to_long(urlsafe_b64decode(c)) for c in components)
    return RSA.construct(rsa_components).export_key().decode()

The same can be achieved manually by visiting the Online RSA Key Converter site (There are likely other sites) and entering in each modulus and exponent from each key and clicking “Convert”.

NOTE: Before you enter the modulus you must first replace all occurrences of - with + and all occurrences of _ with / and add == to the end of the modulus.

The following is a screenshot of a similar conversion using the Online RSA Key Converter.

Convert RSA JWK to PEM

IAM OIDC configuration

IAM OIDC configuration settings can be obtained by issuing an HTTP GET request to the IAM identity/.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint. The root URL depends on the desired environment. is the expected IAM production environment URL. This is, however, configurable in the reference implementation by setting the IAM_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly.

The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. No special credentials or headers are required for this GET request beyond those automatically set by the Python requests call.

There is a moderate amount of logic being performed by this code. In a nutshell, the get_iam_openid_config function performs the GET request and then ensures that the scopes we’re interested in are indeed supported. If so then a dictionary containing only the fields necessary for enablement is returned.

import os
import requests
IAM_IDENTITY = f'{os.getenv("IAM_ROOT")}/identity'
def get_iam_openid_config():
    resp = requests.get(f'{IAM_IDENTITY}/.well-known/openid-configuration')
    config = resp.json()
    scopes = ['openid', 'email', 'profile']
    if not set(scopes).issubset(set(config['scopes_supported'])):
        raise ValueError(f'Scopes {scopes} not supported.')
    fields = [
    return {**{field: config[field] for field in fields}, **{'scopes': scopes}}

The following is a screenshot of the same GET request using postman.

Get IAM OIDC Configuration

The JSON response provides a dictionary of configuration settings. See example below:

    "issuer": "",
    "authorization_endpoint": "",
    "token_endpoint": "",
    "userinfo_endpoint": "",
    "scopes_supported": ["openid", "email", "profile", ...],

Fields of note:

Latest vCD API version

Retrieving the latest vCD API version is performed by issuing an HTTP GET request to the vCD api/versions endpoint. The root URL depends on the specific vCD. This is configurable in the reference implementation by setting the VCD_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly. For our example we will use as the VCD_ROOT with the “sdaldir04” portion of the URL changing based on vCD.

The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. No special credentials or headers are required for this GET request beyond those automatically set by the Python requests call.

This code is fairly straight forward in that the get_latest_vcd_api_version function performs the GET request and returns the last (latest) API version that is supported by the vCD. Since the response content is XML for this request, parsing of the XML content is handled by using the Python XML Minimal DOM package.

import os
import requests

from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
VCD_API = f'{os.getenv("VCD_ROOT")}/api'
def get_latest_vcd_api_version():
   resp = requests.get(f'{VCD_API}/versions')
   versions = [
       for v in parseString(resp.text).getElementsByTagName('VersionInfo')
       if v.getAttribute('deprecated') == 'false'
   return versions[-1]

The following is a screenshot of the same GET request using postman.

Get vCD API versions

The XML response provides a list of supported versions ordered from oldest to newest (latest). See example below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<SupportedVersions xmlns="" ...>
   <VersionInfo deprecated="true">
   <VersionInfo deprecated="true">
   <VersionInfo deprecated="false">

Fields of note:

vCD API session information

vCD API session information includes two pieces of data; The vCD API session token and the vCD organization ID. Retrieving this information is performed by issuing an HTTP POST request to the vCD api/sessions endpoint. The root URL depends on the specific vCD. This is configurable in the reference implementation by setting the VCD_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly. For our example we will use as the VCD_ROOT with the “sdaldir04” portion of the URL changing based on vCD.

The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. In addition to the headers automatically set by the Python POST requests call, this POST request also requires that basic authorization credentials be provided along with session specific Content-Type and Accept headers that both contain the latest vCD API version number retrieved by the previous GET request. Basic authorization is supplied by the vCD organization admin user ID and password. These are both configurable in the reference implementation by setting the ORG_ADMIN_USR and ORG_ADMIN_PWD operating system environment variables accordingly. For our example, application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=35.2 serves as the Content-Type header and application/*+xml;version=35.2 as the Accept header.

There is a moderate amount of logic being performed by this code. In a nutshell, the get_vcd_api_session_info function performs the POST request by providing the appropriate authorization and required headers. It then returns a tuple containing the vCD API session token gathered from the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN response header and the organization ID gathered from the locationId attribute of the root Session XML element. Since the response content is XML for this request, parsing of the XML content is handled by using the Python XML Minimal DOM package. The organization ID is the first half of the locationId split by @. For example, if the locationId is 807f78f3-26ac-4fe4-81a1-32f1c567cb80@8d92cb5a-9a1d-4b59-bde2-7e8d17275f68 then the organization ID would be 807f78f3-26ac-4fe4-81a1-32f1c567cb80.

import os
import requests

from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
VCD_API = f'{os.getenv("VCD_ROOT")}/api'
def get_vcd_api_session_info(version=None):
   if version is None:
       version = get_latest_vcd_api_version()
   content_type = (
   headers = {
       'Accept': f'application/*+xml;version={version}',
       'Content-Type': content_type
   auth = (os.getenv('ORG_ADMIN_USR'), os.getenv('ORG_ADMIN_PWD'))
   resp ='{VCD_API}/sessions', auth=auth, headers=headers)
   loc_id = parseString(resp.text).documentElement.getAttribute('locationId')
   return resp.headers['X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN'], loc_id.split('@')[0]

The following are screenshots of the same POST request using postman.

POST vCD API Sessions Authorization

POST vCD API Sessions Headers

The XML response provides a lot of content but we’re only interested in the locationId attribute of the Session element. See example below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Session xmlns="" ...
user="admin" org="test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1" ...
roles="Organization Administrator" ...
locationId="807f78f3-26ac-4fe4-81a1-32f1c567cb80@8d92cb5a-9a1d-4b59-bde2-7e8d17275f68" ...>

Fields of note:

The response headers also provide a lot of content but we’re only interested in the value of the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN header. See example below:


Fields of note:

IAM OAuth in vCD organization enablement

Before moving on to the call that performs the enablement of IAM in a vCD organization, let’s summarize all of the content that’s been gathered up until this point in support of the upcoming enablement call. The following has been successfully collected:

  1. The current set of IAM OAuth keys
  2. The necessary IAM OIDC configuration settings
  3. The latest vCD API version
  4. The vCD API session token
  5. The specific vCD organization ID

Along with the client ID, client secret and the above content successfully collected, we can now enable IAM OAuth access for a vCD organization which is performed by issuing an HTTP PUT request to the vCD api/admin/org/{orgid}/settings/oauth endpoint. The orgid was previously gathered as part of the vCD API session information step. The root URL depends on the specific vCD. This is configurable in the reference implementation by setting the VCD_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly. For our example we will use as the VCD_ROOT with the “sdaldir04” portion of the URL changing based on vCD.

The previously collected content must now be compiled into an XML payload to be sent along with the PUT request. Here is a content mapping breakdown of the XML followed by an example payload:

XML element Content
IssuerId issuer
OAuthKeyConfigurations.OAuthKeyConfiguration.KeyId kid (key ID)
OAuthKeyConfigurations.OAuthKeyConfiguration.Algorithm kty (key type)
OAuthKeyConfigurations.OAuthKeyConfiguration.Key PEM converted RSA components
Enabled true
ClientId client ID/IAM_CLIENT_ID OS var
ClientSecret client secret/IAM_CLIENT_SECRET OS var
UserAuthorizationEndpoint authorization_endpoint
AccessTokenEndpoint token_endpoint
UserInfoEndpoint userinfo_endpoint
Scope openid email profile
OIDCAttributeMapping.SubjectAttributeName email
OIDCAttributeMapping.EmailAttributeName email
OIDCAttributeMapping.FirstNameAttributeName given_name
OIDCAttributeMapping.LastNameAttributeName family_name
OIDCAttributeMapping.GroupsAttributeName groups
OIDCAttributeMapping.RolesAttributeName roles
MaxClockSkew Set to 10 minutes for example/600


The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. In addition to the headers automatically set by the Python PUT requests call, this PUT request also requires that bearer token authorization credentials be provided along with session specific Content-Type and Accept headers where the Accept header contains the latest vCD API version. The Content-Type header is set to application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationOAuthSettings+xml and for our example, application/*+xml;version=35.2 serves as the Accept header.

There is a good bit of detail contained in this code. Let’s break it down:

import os
import requests

from xml.dom.minidom import Document
VCD_API = f'{os.getenv("VCD_ROOT")}/api'
def integrate_vcd_with_iam(version=None, token=None, org_id=None):
    if version is None:
        version = get_latest_vcd_api_version()
    if token is None or org_id is None:
        token, org_id = get_vcd_api_session_info(version)
    content_type = 'application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationOAuthSettings+xml'
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
        'Accept': f'application/*+xml;version={version}',
        'Content-Type': content_type
    iam_config = get_iam_openid_config()
    doc = Document()
    org_oauth_settings = doc.createElement('OrgOAuthSettings')
        'xmlns', ''
    org_oauth_settings.setAttribute('type', content_type)
    oauth_settings = {
        doc.createElement('IssuerId'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, iam_config['issuer']
        doc.createElement('OAuthKeyConfigurations'): handle_oauth_configs,
        doc.createElement('Enabled'): lambda p, d: add_child(p, d, 'true'),
        doc.createElement('ClientId'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, os.getenv('IAM_CLIENT_ID')
        doc.createElement('ClientSecret'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, os.getenv('IAM_CLIENT_SECRET')
        doc.createElement('UserAuthorizationEndpoint'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, iam_config['authorization_endpoint']
        doc.createElement('AccessTokenEndpoint'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, iam_config['token_endpoint']
        doc.createElement('UserInfoEndpoint'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, iam_config['userinfo_endpoint']
        doc.createElement('Scope'): lambda p, d: add_child(
            p, d, ' '.join(iam_config['scopes'])
        doc.createElement('OIDCAttributeMapping'): handle_oidc_mappings,
        doc.createElement('MaxClockSkew'): lambda p, d: add_child(p, d, '600')
    for element, handle_content in oauth_settings.items():
        handle_content(element, doc)
    resp = requests.put(

def add_child(parent, doc, node_content):

def handle_oauth_configs(parent, doc):
    for key in get_iam_oauth_keys():
        oauth_key_config = doc.createElement('OAuthKeyConfiguration')
        key_settings = {
            doc.createElement('KeyId'): key['kid'],
            doc.createElement('Algorithm'): key['kty'],
            doc.createElement('Key'): jwk_to_pem(f'{key["n"]}==', key['e'])
        for element, node_content in key_settings.items():
            add_child(element, doc, node_content)

def handle_oidc_mappings(parent, doc):
    mappings = {
        doc.createElement('SubjectAttributeName'): 'email',
        doc.createElement('EmailAttributeName'): 'email',
        doc.createElement('FirstNameAttributeName'): 'given_name',
        doc.createElement('LastNameAttributeName'): 'family_name',
        doc.createElement('GroupsAttributeName'): 'groups',
        doc.createElement('RolesAttributeName'): 'roles'
    for element, node_content in mappings.items():
        add_child(element, doc, node_content)

The following are screenshots of the same PUT request using postman.

PUT vCD IAM OAuth Authorization

PUT vCD IAM OAuth Headers

PUT vCD IAM OAuth Body - Top

PUT vCD IAM OAuth Body - Bottom

The XML response is basically a mirroring of the request payload but we are only interested in a successful update 200 OK response status code.

IAM OAuth in vCD organization refresh

Since IAM identity OAuth public keys are rotated on a continuous basis, periodic vCD organization refresh of IAM identity OAuth public keys is necessary to ensure that there is no disruption to IAM access. Fortunately, the refresh process is identical to the initial enablement process and IAM conveniently provides the ability to retrieve a new set of keys containing the next upcoming key, 24 hours prior to the current key expiring. One thing to note is that it may take an hour or so for the new key to be available via API call. So while 24 hours is a ball park figure, 20 hours is probably a more realistic expectation for new upcoming key availability.

At present the reference implementation and iamvcd CLI do not directly address continuous refresh of keys. But coupled with the knowledge that the next key will be available roughly 24 hours prior to current key expiration, iamvcd integrate or something similar could be executed on a scheduled basis using any sort of scheduler (UNIX crontab, Jenkins job scheduler, etc.) to ensure IAM access is not interrupted. A simple solution here would be to schedule the execution of your refresh process every 12 hours. This should pick up the new key when it is available and before the old key expires. Adding conditional logic and perhaps a database to store useful information like the last time the keys were rotated by IAM can further enhance the refresh process and make it more elegant/performant.

IAM user import

Once a vCD organization has been enabled for IAM OAuth access, IAM users can be registered/imported to the vCD organization so that these users can take advantage of single sign on to the vCD organization console using their IAM user id.

vCD organization role

Part of an IAM user import into a vCD organization is assigning a vCD organization role to that user which requires the role’s identifier. Retrieving a role ID from a vCD organization is performed by issuing an HTTP GET request to the vCD api/admin/org/{orgid}/roles/query endpoint. The orgid was previously gathered as part of the vCD API session information step. The root URL depends on the specific vCD. This is configurable in the reference implementation by setting the VCD_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly. For our example we will use as the VCD_ROOT with the “sdaldir04” portion of the URL changing based on vCD. The contents of the response are formatted and filtered by providing the format and filter query parameters as part of the GET request.

The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. In addition to the headers automatically set by the Python GET requests call, this GET request also requires that bearer token authorization credentials be provided along with a session specific Accept header where the Accept header contains the latest vCD API version. For our example, application/*+json;version=35.2 serves as the Accept header.

NOTE: The reference implementation and iamvcd CLI assume that the desired vCD organization role is named “Organization Administrator”. This is also the role given to the vCD organization’s integrated admin user defined by the ORG_ADMIN_USR operating system environment variable.

This code is fairly straight forward in that the get_org_admin_role_link function performs the GET request by providing the appropriate authorization, required Accept header, and formatting/filtering query parameters. It then returns the URL link (containing the role ID) to the requested role which will be used in the subsequent IAM user import POST request.

import os
import requests
VCD_API = f'{os.getenv("VCD_ROOT")}/api'
def get_org_admin_role_link(version=None, token=None, org_id=None):
    if version is None:
        version = get_latest_vcd_api_version()
    if token is None or org_id is None:
        token, org_id = get_vcd_api_session_info(version)
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
        'Accept': f'application/*+json;version={version}'
    params = {
        'format': 'records', 'filter': 'name==Organization Administrator'
    resp = requests.get(
    return resp.json()['record'][0]['href']

The following are screenshots of the same GET request using postman.

GET vCD Org Role Authorization

GET vCD Org Role Headers

GET vCD Org Role Parameters

The JSON response provides a dictionary of vCD organization role details matching the criteria provided by the query parameters. See example below:

    "record": [
            "_type": "QueryResultRoleRecordType",
            "link": [],
            "metadata": null,
            "href": "",
            "id": null,
            "type": null,
            "otherAttributes": {},
            "name": "Organization Administrator",
            "description": "Built-in rights for administering an organization",
            "isReadOnly": true

Fields of note:

vCD organization import of IAM user

Importing an IAM user into a vCD organization is relatively straight forward once IAM OAuth has been enabled in the vCD organization and the appropriate vCD organization role has been retrieved. Importing an IAM user into a vCD organization is performed by issuing an HTTP POST request to the vCD api/admin/org/{orgid}/users endpoint. The orgid was previously gathered as part of the vCD API session information step. The root URL depends on the specific vCD. This is configurable in the reference implementation by setting the VCD_ROOT operating system environment variable accordingly. For our example we will use as the VCD_ROOT with the “sdaldir04” portion of the URL changing based on vCD.

An XML payload is required as part of the POST request containing the following content mapped to XML elements:

XML element Content
IsEnabled true
IsExternal true
ProviderType OAUTH


The following is a snippet from the reference implementation code. In addition to the headers automatically set by the Python POST requests call, this POST request also requires that bearer token authorization credentials be provided along with session specific Content-Type and Accept headers where the Accept header contains the latest vCD API version. The Content-Type header is set to application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml and for our example, application/*+xml;version=35.2 serves as the Accept header.

NOTE: The reference implementation and iamvcd CLI expect that the user being imported is provided as part of the command line interface or directly to the import_iam_user function as the username argument.

This code is fairly straight forward in that the import_iam_user function performs the POST request by providing the appropriate authorization, required headers, and supplied username. Since the payload is XML for this request, constructing the XML payload is handled by using the Python XML Minimal DOM package.

import os
import requests
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
VCD_API = f'{os.getenv("VCD_ROOT")}/api'
def import_iam_user(username, version=None, token=None, org_id=None):
    if version is None:
        version = get_latest_vcd_api_version()
    if token is None or org_id is None:
        token, org_id = get_vcd_api_session_info(version)
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
        'Accept': f'application/*+json;version={version}',
        'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml'
    doc = Document()
    user = doc.createElement('User')
    user.setAttribute('xmlns', '')
    user.setAttribute('name', username)
    user_settings = {
        doc.createElement('IsEnabled'): 'true',
        doc.createElement('IsExternal'): 'true',
        doc.createElement('ProviderType'): 'OAUTH'
    for element, node_content in user_settings.items():
        add_child(element, doc, node_content)
    role = doc.createElement('Role')
    role.setAttribute('href', get_org_admin_role_link(version, token, org_id))
    resp =

The following are screenshots of the same POST request using postman.

POST vCD Import Authorization

POST vCD Import Headers

POST vCD Import Body

The XML response has a good deal of content but we are only interested in a successful creation 201 Created response status code.

Seeing it in action…

After pulling the vcd_iam_sso CLI repo down locally. I will set things up by creating and activating my Python virtual environment and populating it with the proper dependencies. Creating the virtual environment and populating it with dependencies only needs to be performed once. While activating the virtual environment needs to happen each time you intend to run the iamvcd CLI. I will then use the iamvcd CLI to enable IAM SSO by first priming the operating system environment variables and then executing the integrate and import options.

> cd gh/vcd_iam_sso/
vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > python -m venv venv
vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > . ./venv/bin/activate
[venv] vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > make develop
pip install -q -e . --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager
[venv] vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > . ./scripts/
[venv] vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > iamvcd integrate
IAM integration with sdaldir04/test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1 - Started...
IAM integration with sdaldir04/test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1 - Finished
[venv] vcd_iam_sso [branch:main*] > iamvcd import --user
Importing to sdaldir04/test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1 - Started...
Importing to sdaldir04/test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1 - Finished

…or, if you really want to, you could perform each manual step detailed in the A deeper dive… section. ;)

Now let’s login to the vCD organization to see IAM SSO in action. Going to the following URL:


…I am greeted by the initial IBM login prompt prompting me for my IBMid. I will enter the IBMid that I just imported above.

IBMid prompt

Continuing along, I am asked to choose an SSO method where I will chose the w3id Credentials option. I can now sign in with my w3id credentials.

IBM SSO login

IBM SSO login

The last step is two factor authentication where I chose an Authenticator App as my form of 2FA.

IBM 2FA options

IBM 2FA prompt

…and I’m logged in to my vCD organization with my IBMid.

VDCs in vCD console

On the Administration OpenID Connect tab notice the OIDC configuration that includes the client ID/secret among other configurations detailed above, the key bindings to the IAM RSA public keys, and the claims mappings also detailed above.

OIDC tab

On the Administration User tab notice the imported IBMid with the OIDC access type setting.

Imported users